December 28, 2018
Brand Your Writing
Brand Your Writing
Prehospitalization Factors That Drive Readmission
Pro Tip: Binge Writing
A surgeon mistakes a kidney for a tumor. How can this happen?
Mueller Perjury Chart
Lancet: New Report on CCU Intubation Safety
#QualityFraud: Hospital Offered Black Friday Price Blowout Reductions
‘Justice’ is Merriam-Webster’s word of the year. “… the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments.” Merriam Webster definition of ‘Justice’ Mueller, arriving in a starched white shirt, brings competence and order to an otherwise lawless house party. The kids are sprawled […]
Hospital Kills Then Buries Patient Without Notifying Tenn. Family
Study: Medical Devices Caused 80,000 Deaths Since 2008