Why I’m A Trial Lawyer (No. 5)

Reed wrote me a letter me on June 7, 1984, after I graduated from college at Washington and Lee. He wanted to walk me through how to think about law school and a career in the law. He wrote that letter more than 130 years after Lincoln’s notes on a law lecture (see, the previous blog […]

Why I’m A Trial Lawyer (No. 4)

Abraham Lincoln’s notes for a law lecture (discussed in the previous post here) are the subject of a ‘Professionalism Movement’ in the legal profession: the idea is that real change toward a better (more ethical) practice is caused not by changes to Model Rules but by freely acting agents – lawyers who voluntarily aspire for […]

Why I’m A Trial Lawyer (No. 3)

  Early in his career, lawyer Abraham Lincoln was a voracious reader of everything from poetry to newspapers. In 1837, his attention was fixed on a wave of violence and economic turmoil sweeping the country. He was convinced that America’s Founding principles demanded a  renewed focus on respect for laws and a conscious turning away […]

Tuesday round-up

Tuesday round-upYesterday North Carolina asked the Supreme Court to step into the dispute over its 2013 election law and allow it to use several provisions of that law – including a requirement that voters present a photo ID – in the November 2016 elections.  I covered the request at my blog, with other coverage coming from […]

Monday round-up

Monday round-upBriefly: At Jost on Justice, Kenneth Jost contends that the Court’s ruling striking down the fraud convictions of former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell “is the latest evidence that for all the lip service given to the jury system, juries are an endangered species today in federal and state courts alike.” At Just Security, Steve Vladeck […]

Symposium: Gay rights, religious liberty and … tire scraps? The inclusive Fourteenth Amendment path in Trinity Lutheran

Symposium:  Gay rights, religious liberty and … tire scraps? The inclusive Fourteenth Amendment path in <em>Trinity Lutheran</em>Mark L. Rienzi is an associate professor at The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law. It is tempting to think of Trinity Lutheran Church v. Pauley as a welcome respite from the recent spate of hot-button religious liberty cases that prompt concerns from the gay rights community (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and Zubik […]