Today’s Word
Indite Part of speech: verb Origin: Latin, 14th century Write; compose.
Indite Part of speech: verb Origin: Latin, 14th century Write; compose.
The truth is the light and the light is the truth. Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man In his groundbreaking 1952 book “Invisible Man,” Ralph Ellison introduces an unnamed African American narrator who relates his story from a basement-dwelling lit with 1,369 light bulbs. This room filled with light represents the man’s choice to see his life […]
Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good for something. Henry David Thoreau
Retroject [reh-trə-JEKT] Part of speech: verb Origin: Latin, mid-19th century 1. Project backwards.
Veridical Part of speech: adjective Origin: Latin, mid-17th century 1. Truthful. 2. Coinciding with reality.
Soniferous Part of speech: adjective Origin: Latin, early 18th century 1. That conveys or bears sound. 2. That produces (a lot of) sound.
Part of speech: adjective Origin: Latin, early 17th century 1. Relating to tension. 2. Capable of being drawn out or stretched.
Part of speech: noun Origin: Ancient Greek, early 17th century 1. A lover of learning; a student or scholar. 2. An astrologer or predictor.
Rumbustious Part of speech: adjective Origin: British English, late 18th century Boisterous or unruly.
Exhortation An address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something.