July 12, 2019
When Hospitals Sue For Unpaid Bills, It Can Be ‘Ruinous’ For Patients
When Hospitals Sue For Unpaid Bills, It Can Be ‘Ruinous’ For Patients
#QualityFraud RAND Study: Hospitals Charging The Privately Insured 2.4 Times What They Charge Medicare Patients
100 new laws take effect July 1, including no texting while driving
Mold infections leave one dead and force closure of operating rooms at children’s hospital
6 babies and 6 employees at a hospital have tested positive for a drug-resistant infection
“That those pimps and parasites who dared to advise their master to such detestable measures be held in utter abhorrence by us and every American, and their names loaded with curses of all succeeding generations. That we scorn the chains of slavery; we despise every attempt to rivet them upon us; we are the sons […]