April 28, 2017
Healthnet and Indiana University Settle $18M Quality Fraud Case
Healthnet and Indiana University Settle $18M Quality Fraud Case
What will your medical care look like when the time comes? Inequality In American Health Care: The Lancet
Treatment for severe bleeding following delivery. NIH Study
Today in Quality Fraud: Anthem, Express Scripts Split Over $3B Quality Fraud
In January of 2005, a local court granted a Motion to Compel against a Hospital and its physicians – ordering them to produce discovery responses to written questions (interrogatories) and requests for documents (requests for production). Orders like this are routine – they are entered every day in all kinds of cases. What made this […]
More real wisdom from David Healy, M.D. Tweeting while Medicine Burns
Today in Quality Fraud: $40 Million California Medical Kickback Scheme. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-medical-kickbacks-charges-20170420-story.html
Dow Pressures Government to Bury Pesticide Safety Report
PubMed Will Disclose Conflicts With Studies