Why I’m A Trial Lawyer (No. 1)

“I am not an accomplished lawyer” Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was a famously small town lawyer. For the bulk of his career, he practiced solo with the help of a junior lawyer named Herndon – who functioned more as a paralegal – doing office organizing and paperwork. Lincoln was a circuit rider, traveling around the […]

Mike's Test Blog

Mike’s Test Post

Hey this Mike’s Test Post Mike’s Test Post Bacon ipsum dolor amet landjaeger strip steak ball tip, sirloin cupim meatball kielbasa biltong beef ribs ham frankfurter venison alcatra. Strip steak pork chop shank meatloaf tri-tip drumstick leberkas, rump ham hock pork belly turkey. Sausage pork belly shankle pork meatball landjaeger beef jowl spare ribs ball […]