February 28, 2018
#QualityFraud WHO cancer agency ‘left out key findings’ in benzene review
#QualityFraud WHO cancer agency ‘left out key findings’ in benzene review
Answer: No more coffee, Mr. Thompson. That’s an order. Question: What is the strangest thing you’ve heard the Court say on the record?
Whatever works. ABA: Lawyer / Stripper Borrows Indicted Governor’s Argument
In 1781, Hugh Henry Brackenridge left the relatively cosmopolitan city of Philadelphia to ‘make his bones’ in what was known as The Wilderness. He settled at The Forks (where the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers meet to form the Ohio) – or present day Pittsburgh. He lived through the first open and armed rebellion in the […]
The family at 75 Lemoyne Ave., Washington, Pennsylvania.
More family history from Washington, Pennsylvania. The Three Boys (my Dad and my Uncles).
My Grandparents (William Reed Thompson and Eleanor Bortz Thompson) in Washington, Pennsylvania (mid-20th century).
My Dad, his brothers and a family tradition – the Airedale.
My Dad with his Mom and one of his brothers. WashPa proud.
Brennan Justice Center: How To HackProof Our Elections