The Kavanaugh Hearings
Here’s a NYT article from 1932 about Justice Felix Frankfurter and judicial temperament. 1932 NYT Frankfurter
Here’s a NYT article from 1932 about Justice Felix Frankfurter and judicial temperament. 1932 NYT Frankfurter
Is your medical device vulnerable to a hacker?
Children and the Opioid Epidemic
Shortage of insurance fraud cops sparks campaign debate #QualityFraud
$4.3M Fine (Michigan) Against Health Care Provider For Mishandling Drug Inventory
Americans are all cuckoos because we make our homes in the nests of other birds. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes My people came to America in a very long and winding way from the Avesnes region of France. But it goes back further than the ancestors my Grandmother marked down in the family tree (who I’ll […]
Purdue Pharma Pays $62M To Settle Claims It Stole Oxy Patent From Assertio #QualityFraud
Abstract Article: One of the main problems with traditional legal education is that students don’t learn knowledge in a way that transfers easily to law practice.
$76M Hospital Fraud in North Carolina
Frequent Distractions and Burnout Result in Physician Inattentiveness to Patients