Weaver v. Myers, M.D.

Lawyers are taught to be circumspect and cautious representing facts. I’m not going to do that here. Because I know better. So with apologies to old-timey practitioners, here is my reading of the Florida Supreme Court’s latest ruling saving consumers from the unrelenting pummeling of the healthcare delivery and insurance markets and their omnipresent and […]


The fourth in a series about the Senses in litigation. The sense of touch is varied and wondrous. Through touch, we appreciate temperature, texture of surface, shape, hardness or softness, elasticity and even weight. Touch is the one sense used from the beginning to the end of a personal injury case. Investigating cases I’ve sifted through roadway debris, patrolled junk […]


This is the third (of five) ‘Sense’ posts (Click here for ‘Seeing’ from two weeks ago) on how litigation unfolds, according to our five senses. These were interrupted by Hurricane Irma. The sense of smell can be extraordinarily evocative, bringing back pictures as sharp as photographs of scenes that had left the conscious mind. – Thalassa Cruso […]