
This is the third (of five) ‘Sense’ posts (Click here for ‘Seeing’ from two weeks ago) on how litigation unfolds, according to our five senses. These were interrupted by Hurricane Irma. The sense of smell can be extraordinarily evocative, bringing back pictures as sharp as photographs of scenes that had left the conscious mind. – Thalassa Cruso […]

August 17, 2017

Few Outcome Measures Meet Criteria for Assessing Accuracy and Validity, According to Two Joint Commission Executives I blog about deaths from negligence and medical error being under reported. I also blog about Joint Commission procedures and the secrecy of peer review proceedings. Maybe the authorities are beginning to come around to my way of thinking.

The Other Escobar

On this blog, I focus on what most of my clients have in common – the need for serious medical care and the attendant expenses. I often blog about Quality Fraud and share news items about how the cost of healthcare is driven by misrepresentations made in the course of providing care. Unlike other markets, […]