Happy (belated) Labor Day!

I love writing about my great uncle (Mom’s mother’s side of the family). That’s him on the far left at the Parkersburg, WV steel mill at the turn of the century. LP Somerville Here’s a link to my post comparing my memories of LP to jury selection in the trial of Sid Hatfield. LP Somerville […]

Unnecessary Medical Tests Are #QualityFraud

DOJ pursues billing fraud cases. In some cases, the patients did not know what they were being tested for. TRICARE beneficiaries were enticed to provide urine or saliva specimens in exchange for $50 gift cards. Evidence at trial demonstrated that Rao was paid in exchange for signing off on medically unnecessary and repetitive toxicology and […]

First Amendment Rights and “Journalism” versus Defamation Claims

Media silos that push opinion content as fact aren’t getting much love lately. I wrote about Sarah Palin’s recent and failed attempt to hold the New York Times responsible here. They say that bad facts make bad low, but accountability may be a good thing. Hannity, Carlson, Pirro, & Dobbs get to show their homework […]