A Landmark Decision for Patient Safety and Our Role In It

A week ago, the Florida Supreme Court decided Charles v. Baptist, a medical malpractice case filed by my Father in Duval County (Jacksonville). As is often the case, the result is rightfully credited to an army of skilled lawyers – most of them fronting their time and their money on behalf of a relatively powerless […]

Quality Fraud by Omission

More Than Half of Failed Clinical Trials Unpublished   Less than half of failed clinical trials are published in peer review journals, according to a new study. Practically, this may be due to the fact that there are no sponsors or financial stakeholders willing to contribute to a public relations push when their new ‘wonder […]

Recent History of Public Healthcare in Lee County, Florida

Last week, this blog reviewed the origins of the public Lee Memorial Hospital. After its formation by the government, as the municipal Hospital System exerted its authority over healthcare in Lee County, the Federal Trade Commission brought an Anti-Trust action against it for creating a monopoly. Lee Memorial was represented by the Jones, Day law firm in […]

The Political History Of Lee County’s Public Hospitals

LMH was created by Special Act of the State Legislature in 1961, requiring a local vote for the charter to become effective. That vote failed in 1963. Without any changes to the Special Act, the State instead just passed another special bill establishing the Hospital Board. There appears never to have been a public vote […]