If you have friends in Gloryland
Who left because of pain
Thank God up there, they’ll die no more
They’ll suffer not again
Then weep not friends
I’m going home
Gloryland, Ralph Stanley, and The Clinch Mountain Boys
Trial lawyers become experts in the circumstances just before and after the end of life. Some deaths come with early warning, and others come suddenly. They all leave behind a trail of evidence: weights and measurements duly noted by the medical examiner’s office; microscopic slides of tissue magnified by pathologists; vials of blood sent for testing; black boxes containing recorded information and conversations; skid marks, yaw marks, and highway debris.
Photos, letters, marriage licenses, news stories, diplomas, awards, service medals … the accumulated physical evidence of lives well-lived.
Families. Loved ones. Children.
For wrongful death, put these lives and this evidence in the hands of someone you can trust.