Your B.S. Isn’t ‘Academic Freedom,’ But It’s Killing Academic Freedom

That is the title of an excellent story making the rounds (link below).

Academic controversy isn’t new. Nor is political correctness. But the latest round of book burning and hog tying teachers about what can be taught or said in a classroom (Florida’s new “Don’t Say Gay” law is an excellent example) is getting out of hand.

Schools should be places of legitimate intellectual debate and rigor. Facts, science, and evidence ought to be the foundation of learning.

Words either have meaning or they don’t. I don’t believe in “alternative facts”. And making crap up isn’t the same thing as debate. If I fabricated a source during a debate in high school or college, not only would my team and school have lost but the sanction against me would have been severe. I could be neck-deep in someone’s plumbing right now instead of practicing law.

Whether student or professor, academic freedom doesn’t mean you get to say whatever crazy thing you want to say.

Here is the link:

Your B.S. Isn’t ‘Academic Freedom,’ But It’s Killing Academic Freedom

The Thompson Law Firm