After lobbying legislatures for “tort reform” for decades, the number of medical malpractice claims – especially what they used to call “frivolous” claims – has gone down. Has that lowered rates for physicians? Of course not. But instead of accepting responsibility, the insurance industry now blames “nuclear claims” and other imaginary foes to explain their greed. They’ll never stop manipulating the law and the public to increase their profit – all earned on the backs of victims of medical malpractice locked out of court.
Social inflation, nuclear verdicts (those which surpass $10 million or more), and other factors are driving up claims costs. Even if a judge or jury award doesn’t reach nuclear level, excess verdicts—those which are over a policy limit—can be a major burden for doctors and hospitals. Recent high claims costs have contributed to increases in liability insurance rates, and premiums are one of many factors making it unaffordable for doctors to operate solo practices.
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