
And we’ll keep on digging ’til the coming of the Lord Gabriel’s trumpet sounds
‘Cause if you ain’t mining for the company, boy
There ain’t much in this town
Tyler Childers, Coal
When my Father was in school at West Virginia University, he made extra cash working mines operated by his family in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. I was born when he was 19. There’s a photo of him – a kid, really – grinning like a future trial lawyer covered in soot outside of his apartment. I need to find that photo.
Each and every one of us is handed nothing. Dignity and respect are cobbled together with hard work and perseverance. But we don’t do it alone. Sometimes, we rely on family and friends. For the big, scary things – we rely on professionals to help navigate the way. That’s the kind of lawyer my Dad was – and the kind I try to be.