Fulbright v. D’Amico

We invite you to follow the links below to learn more about our publicized dental malpractice case against James D’Amico, DDS by clicking on the names of the articles below: “Convicted Dentist Wrote Steroids Prescriptions” “More Defendants Sentenced in U.S. Illegal Online Pharmacy Case” U.S. D.o.J. Press Release: “Powermedica Defendants Sentenced for Conspiracy to Illegally Distribute […]

Why I’m A Trial Lawyer (No. 2)

I used to sit for hours with my Uncle Reed talking about history, particularly the American Civil War. We shared a passion for that part of our lore. We’d review the characters, the political developments of that day and of course the battles. As lawyers, we tended to gravitate always back to Lincoln (the Sun […]

Mike's Test Blog

Mike’s Test Post

Hey this Mike’s Test Post Mike’s Test Post Bacon ipsum dolor amet landjaeger strip steak ball tip, sirloin cupim meatball kielbasa biltong beef ribs ham frankfurter venison alcatra. Strip steak pork chop shank meatloaf tri-tip drumstick leberkas, rump ham hock pork belly turkey. Sausage pork belly shankle pork meatball landjaeger beef jowl spare ribs ball […]