Opioid Use Disorder (OUD): Big Pharma and Medicine Made Off Like Bandits but what is the Human Cost?

Prison Time for Virginia Doctor Abusing Prescription Privileges

 A former Virginia doctor has been sentenced to three years in prison for writing prescriptions that mixed powerful painkillers into narcotic cocktails that killed at least four of her patients, officials said,

I am working on cases involving opioid use disorder (OUD) and the misdiagnosis and treatment of conditions that flow from that condition. A lot of attention is paid (rightly) to the marketing of these drugs but it should not be forgotten that prescription abuse by physicians and pharmacies played a large role in the pernicious spread of OUD throughout our country. After getting our fellow citizens hooked, the medical community often treated recovering addicts like disposable garbage unworthy of standard of care treatment. This is unacceptable. If you or a family member have concerns related to OUD treatment and rehabilitation, please call me.