AI In Medicine and Law

As lawyers look forward to patient safety advances that AI may make available in medicine, it is important to keep an eye on the dangers as they appear in our own profession. Levidow Levidow & Oberman PC and its attorney Steven Schwartz told a New York federal court that they are “truly mortified” over submitting […]

OR ‘black boxes’: How hospitals are borrowing from airplane technology

Whenever I read an operative report in a surgery gone bad, I wonder about the accuracy of the surgeon’s descriptions. Sometimes, the outcome and physical evidence make the descriptions untenable. We may be on the verge of something closer to a true, contemporaneous account of every surgery. The OR Black Box system, which was developed […]

Telehealth and Medical Malpractice Claims

Patients need to understand the risks and potential problems associated with telehealth visits to avoid additional injuries. Medical malpractice can become more of a danger than ever. UNDERSTANDING TELEHEALTH AND THE RISKS OF MEDICAL MALPRACTICE I had a case involving teleradiology services provided to an internal medicine practice from hundreds of miles away. The level […]

Conflicts In Medical Studies (Extravascular ICD)

If you go to the credits on the article, you learn a little about how global medical device manufacturers like Medtronic “support” the investigations conducted by health care organizations like Mayo Clinic and the New England Journal of Medicine into the safety of their new products. A link to the NEJM article on the Mayo […]

Dominion and Smartmatic Suit Against Fox Proceeds

The J6 Committee’s hearings are making it pretty clear that Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, and Lin Wood don’t have much protection. But we knew that from the sanctions entered against them in the courts where they appeared for the ex-president. Now the attention turns to the suits filed by the election machine manufacturers against […]

Judge on a Hot Mic Catches the Wrath of a Trial Lawyer

‘Can you imagine waking up next to her every day?’ said the Judge about Bill Cosby’s criminal defense lawyer, forgetting that he was being livestreamed. Now, that Judge is facing a complaint. Decorum is a real thing and it runs both ways. If you are a trial lawyer, you’ve danced this dance with a judge. […]

Our Dog Was Sick Over The Holiday

And the local vet and I were limited to x-rays and bloodwork which only ruled out the basics. The medicines we chose in the absence of other evidence left the dog lame and unable to get up and about. Specialty services were not available for weeks and required a three-hour drive (each way). We got […]

Communication Breakdown (The Theranos Trial)

Communication breakdown / Its always the same As the federal fraud trial against Theranos’ Elizabeth Holmes winds down, her lawyer argued a “fundamental disconnect” in the evidence. The charges revolve around Theranos’ blood testing devices. Holmes is charged with deliberately misleading investors from whom Theranos put together $700 Million in capital regarding the technology’s capability. […]