The Case For Tort Reform Gets Harder And Harder To Make (But That Won’t Stop Some)

It is absurd to criticize a fee structure that puts a lawyer in complete concert with his client’s interests and allows clients without resources or influence to pursue remedies against the most powerful institutions in their community for real harm done to them. Back in the day, the argument was that verdicts were too numerous […]

Unnecessary Medical Tests Are #QualityFraud

DOJ pursues billing fraud cases. In some cases, the patients did not know what they were being tested for. TRICARE beneficiaries were enticed to provide urine or saliva specimens in exchange for $50 gift cards. Evidence at trial demonstrated that Rao was paid in exchange for signing off on medically unnecessary and repetitive toxicology and […]

Ethics in Medicine

Why aren’t medical students trained in ethics the same way law students are? Ethics is required in school and your knowledge of ethics is tested in a stand-alone bar examination before a lawyer can start practicing. Here’s a link to a BMJ article on it. With consent, medical students get to observe most surgical procedures, […]

Every State Has It’s Own Set of Odd, Old Laws

I worked with a critical care doctor at a teaching facility who told me this: “Listen, Thompson, Don’t forget this. They want candy stripers practicing medicine.” That was 1992. He meant that hospital systems were leaning on the nurses to expand their traditional roles to maximize profit. Meanwhile, lawyers are citing cases from a century […]

Peer Review (still) doesn’t work

I’ve been writing about how peer review privilege encourages medical error for years now. But it keeps coming up in the news. It’s almost like nobody in charge listens to trial lawyers. lol. The false premise that secrecy encourages patient safety measures at any level of hospital administration is a myth that should not be […]

With 350 lawsuits filed, Florida hospital can’t ignore outcry over orthopedist

Hospitals are responsible for adequately supervising the privileges and credentials they grant physicians who practice in their facilities. The nurses complained, and so did a handful of doctors. The patients howled. Yet, for years, administrators at a Florida hospital ignored the repeated alarms, critics say. Now, 350 lawsuits have been filed and 100 more are […]

Joint Tortfeasors

Your lawyer should have the experience to identify all of the potential contributing causes to an injury in order to bring a completely meritorious case against all tortfeasors. Frequently, having all the contributing tortfeasors at the table will result in agreement about shared responsibility – even among the Defendants. This may mean suing a pharmaceutical […]

Doctor defends against malpractice claim, says suit wrongfully branded him ‘Dr. Death 2.0’

Every man is entitled to his own evidence. Doctor defends against malpractice claim, says suit wrongfully branded him ‘Dr. Death 2.0’ Read more at:

Transplant Lists (are broken)

The system for getting donated kidneys, livers and hearts to desperately ill patients relies on out-of-date technology thathas crashed for hours at a time and has never been audited by federal officials for security weaknesses or other serious flaws, according to a confidential government review obtained by The Washington Post. If you ever wondered, yeah, […]