The Other Escobar

On this blog, I focus on what most of my clients have in common – the need for serious medical care and the attendant expenses. I often blog about Quality Fraud and share news items about how the cost of healthcare is driven by misrepresentations made in the course of providing care. Unlike other markets, […]

May 30, 2017

Medical Loss Ratios (MLR’s) are designed to lower healthcare costs. Here is how they work. In a recent Federal Court ruling, a Court found that physician settlement payments may be included in the MLR for the carrier. CMS Page on Medical Loss Rule (MLR)

The Cost of Care

Dartmouth study on reigning in healthcare costs This chart on the left (in the article linked above) was originally created by the Kaiser Foundation and is now outdated (as shown in the chart on the right) – largely because the cost of drugs, medical devices and hospitalizations has skyrocketed. As a percentage, the amount we spend on primary […]